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Be in it to win it!

The single biggest favour you can do for your child is to send them to school. Every day, on time!


Attending school regularly, and on time is the biggest predictor of GCSE and A Level success.  In Belfast Boys’ Model, attending school does not only provide pupils with access to a high quality learning experience, but also provides our boys with the opportunity to develop valuable skills including team work, leadership and communication skills.  Each year group has a Year Counsellor, and their primary role is to improve attendance by working closely with pupils, parents and staff.


Rewarding Attendance


We regularly celebrate the efforts made by pupils in achieving full attendance and incentives include achievement points, recreational time in the Sports Hall and being recognised in our annual Awards Ceremony.


Attendance Difficulties


If you are experiencing difficulties with your son attending school, our Parenting Officer, Mrs Coombs is available to help you by offering a home visit.  This will allow you to work together to establish the cause of the issue and most importantly, find a solution.

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