Develop, maintain and stimulate students’ inquisitiveness, interest and enjoyment in business
Develop pupils’ competence in a range of business skills
To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the operations and structures of businesses
To enable pupils to apply their classroom learning into the world of work through their involvement with businesses in the public, private and voluntary sectors
To equip pupils with the skills required to succeed in employment or at university
​Enable pupils to develop transferable business skills that can be applied to situations across all curriculum subjects
Mrs Buchanan
Mrs Carey
Mrs Ryan
​Miss Stewart
"Successful entrepreneurs know that the best way to predict the future is to create it."
- Peter Drucker
Key Stage 4
OCN LEVEL 2 Certificate Skills for Business
Unit 1: Customer Service for Business
Unit 2: Understanding Sources of Finance and Cashflow
Unit 3: Effective Communication Skills in the workplace
Unit 4: Understanding Employment Legislation, Contracts and Pay
Unit 5: Understanding Recruitment and Selection
Post 16
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Business
Course Aims:
The BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business aims to look at the questions arising in business and how decisions are made in business.
Unit 1: Exploring business. Internally assessed.
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign. A set task is externally assessed.
Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance. Externally exam.
Unit 4: Recruitment and Selection Process. Internally assessed.
Units are assessed as Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*
Skills Developed
Personal and business finance
How to apply for a job
Interview technique
Problem solving
Team building
Analytical and critical thinking
Presentation skills
Independent learner
Career Areas
Trading (stock market)
Management consultancy
Retail buying
Distribution and logistics management