Ignite Project


Charlie, Glenn, Blain & Jackson Allen, who were involved with the ‘Ignite’ project, joined with pupils from four other schools to deliver their finale showcase on Saturday 14th April.  The event was entitled “Myselfie#nofilter” and was held in City Life Centre to a large audience of friends and family of those involved. The pupils had been busy with rehearsals coming up to the performance and had planned most of the programme themselves.  It showcased the skills and talents of the young people, portraying their A–Z journey of the Ignite programme.  

Glenn had prepared a fabulous dance duet with Rebecca from Girls’ Model, Jackson sang a solo and Charlie and Blain performed some of their rhythmic patterns and stick tricks on side drum using light up sticks. These were just some examples of the very impressive programme involving pupils from Blessed Trinity, Belfast Model School for Girls, Christian Brothers’ School, Hazelwood Integrated College and Belfast Boys’ Model School.  Well done to all involved and a huge thank you to Springboard for a fantastic opportunity offered to the pupils.